Year: 2023

Bigfoot bikes🚲

Kia Ora people

On Wednesday the 23rd of March we had bike skills and the instituters names were: Tom, Alex and Shelly. This is the alphabet of the bike safety rules.

A air
B brakes
C chain
C control (stand over the front tire and move the handles )
D drop (drop bike to listen for funny noises. Should only be able to hear chains)
Q quick releases (levers on the two wheels. When you pull them you shouldn’t be able to open them with one finger).
Did you enjoy Bigfoot bike riding? Bye. 🌺


Teacher ponder🧑‍🏫

Kia Ora people

Today we have to do a ponder about what we think makes a teacher a good one.

  • Their not to strict but can make learning fun.
  • They let you take your time but still have a reasonable time limit.
  • If you’re uncomfortable with something they will try to make it better.

What do you think makes a teacher a good one? Bye 🌺

Pet ponder🐕

Kia Ora people

I have two pets both are girls my dog is a golden retriever she is eight years old and very fluffy and her name is Stella.

My cat is a ragdoll mixed munchkin she is also very fluffy her name is Nori she is one years old.

you have any pets if you don’t what pet would you want? bye

My cultures

你好/안녕하세요/ Kia ora people

The cultures I mostly connect with are: Chinese, Korean and Kiwi.
You say hello in Chinese is Nǐ hǎo and in Korean it is annyeong/annyeonghaseyo.
I want to learn Hungarian because my sister speaks it
What cultures repentant you? Bye