Year: 2023

Last Ponder🙌

Kia Ora peeps

I really enjoyed the book and quite easy to understand. I think my favourite part was when they got lifted by the hoikio and it ended up helping them. I think people who like a little bit of action would enjoy it. I would ask the author why they wanted to write this book.

What did you think about the book? Bye!🌺

Maritime Museum

你好 People

On Friday the 15th of September the Hive went to the Maritime Museum. Unfortunately, it was too windy to sail on the Ted Ashby, an old-fashioned sailing boat, but I still had a great time.
Here are the three top things I learned:
1.  I learnt how to check how deep the water level is and what was on the ground.
2.  When you’re on a boat and you need to go left you tell the captain port & for right it’s starboard.
3.  Back then when people started to come to New Zealand they would use whales as they go to Tonga when they are about to have a baby.
What do you want to learn about a boat or about your ancestors? Bye!🌺

Making Beeswax wrappers🐝

Kia Ora People

We got to make beeswax yesterday and here’s how to make it.

Get a piece of fabric and put 36 beeswax cubes on it. Then put another piece of fabric on top. Then you can iron it but for this step make sure you have adult supervision in case anything goes wrong. After all that you have two beeswax wrappers.

Have you ever made Beeswax wraps? Bye!🌺🐝

Time travel

Kia Ora peps

If I saw a time traveller I would ask:

  • What years they have been to?
  • How much the Earth has changed over the years?
  • What is their favourite year?

What are 3 questions you would ask? Bye!🌺


Kia Ora princesses and princes

If I could I would go back in time to meet Princess Diana because she just seems like a nice person. I would ask her if she really loved King Charles the third and what she thought about the old Royal family rules.

Who would you meet? BYE👑🌺